Saturday, December 24, 2011

2011 Advent Thoughts


God Incarnate

God the Son, given by God the Father, empowered by God the Spirit, steps into human history by being born of a virgin peasant in a lowly manger. Christianity – the only religion that claims God came to us, to live among us, to die for us, then rise for us, in order to save us.

The Creator and His Creation

The Creator God willingly and lovingly became part of his created order, humbling himself to arrive as a baby, birthed amidst the wood, hay , animals, and even the earthly mother and father that HE created! The angels he crafted heralded his birth to shepherds and sheep whose form he both imagined and made. The bright star that marked his birth was spoken into existence by him untold eons before his earthly arrival. These things blow my mind, and I’m forever thankful!

“All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.” John 1:3

Gift Giving

Most people associate the Christmas tradition of gift giving to the Biblical account of the wise men who brought gifts to honor baby Jesus. However, the history altering exchange was not gifts given to God, but rather, God’s most precious gift to us. For approximately 33 years this Gift lived the perfect life that none of us can attain, and then, “God made him (Jesus) who knew no sin to become sin on our behalf, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” So, if any part of gift giving is stressing you out this Christmas season, ponder the future stress-free life God has promised you if you’re trusting in The Gift and what he did for you.

Angels and Shepherds, A Star and Wise Men​

Our current political landscape is rife with class warfare, but especially in Christ Jesus, God shows his love for people of all economic status. They heavenly hosts announced to mere sheep herders the arrival of The Good Shepherd – the Lamb of God. The magi came bearing expensive gifts, following the bright star to pay homage to the King of kings and the giver of every good and perfect gift. When tempted to despise the poor or begrudge the rich, may we remember the One who revealed his coming to both simple shepherds and wealthy nobles.